Bell Schedule
First Bell: 8:12 am
Start School Day: 8:15 am
Kindergarten, TK: 1:30 pm every day
Grades 1-5: 2:25 pm Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri (Wed: 1:30 pm)
Full schedule here
School lunch and breakfast for the 2024-2025 school year is free for all students at Ruth Acty. Please fill out a meal application at in order to ensure the school qualifies for lunch funding. More information here.
Ruth Acty Elementary’s library is phenomenal. Check out the Ruth Acty Library online.
Map of drop-off locations by grade and all class line locations
If possible, we encourage walking, biking, or busing to school. Limited parking is available around the perimeter of Ruth Acty with more available if you park a block or two away and walk. Please pay attention to parking signs and do not block neighbors’ driveways or the bus loading zone. The white zone on Rose is a passenger loading zone and they will ticket you if you leave your car unattended.
Bike parking is located at the far east end of the yard, past the grassy area and by the picnic tables.
If dropping off at the school without parking, please use the passenger loading zones on Rose Street and at the corner of Acton and Ada.
Students can qualify for bus services if they live 1.5 miles away from the school in Berkeley. 510-644-6182;
Provide student name, grade, school, address and contact number(s). Briefly describe request.
Ruth Acty Elementary’s library is phenomenal. Check out the Ruth Acty Library online.